Handbook on Volunteering of Migrants in Sport Clubs and Organisations

Handbook on Volunteering of Migrants in Sport Clubs and Organisations

The Handbook on Volunteering of Migrants in Sport Clubs and Organisations has been launched by the European Sport Inclusion Network (ESPIN). The Handbook is a result of the two-years work with roundtable discussions, focus group and partner meetings involving NGO, migrant sport organisations, sport associations, clubs and stakeholders across seven European countries.

One the one it can be used as a guide for potential volunteers in sport with a migrant background and on the other hand for local clubs and sport organizations interested in involving people from diverse background.

The overall vision of the project “European Sport Inclusion Network (ESPIN)- Promoting Equal Opportunities of Migrants and Minorities through Volunteering in Sport” is to increase sports participation of disadvantaged groups by promoting equal access to organized sport. A key objective is to increase volunteering of migrants and minorities.

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