Football in Australia can respond to many societal challenges

Football in Australia can respond to many societal challenges

Football reaches into more households, more parks and school grounds and more hearts and minds than any other sport in Australia.

In 2015, the Football Community comprises 7.5 million Australians who have Football in their lives, including almost two million who actively participate in the game.

When it comes to Football, they all love to talk about, watch, play, connect with and support the game and its participants. The community is truly national, incredibly diverse and welcomes all comers. Football is the face of modern Australia, inclusive of all genders, cultures and age groups.


Australia is one of the most multicultural nations in the world. It is a constantly evolving society that absorbs cultural, social and economic waves. Over the next 20 years Football needs to respond to:
Population growth and urbanisation. Australia will have a population of over 30 million people by 2035 and will become increasingly urbanised.
Football will become more than just a sport. It will have an increasingly important role to play in social cohesion, community integration, physical health and well-being, and international relations and economic development, particularly in Asia.

Personalisation. Australians will engage with Football on their own terms beyond the traditional club structures and will expect Football to be fl exible to their needs.
Everybody’s game. Men and Women will play Football to an older age and the game needs to accommodate the waves of non-European migration and Indigenous populations of Australia.

The Asian Century. The rise of Asia will mean changes to who populates Australia, who we trade with and where we source capital from, an evolution that will change everyday life in Australia.
These trends represent a great opportunity for Football and Football is perfectly placed to respond. It’s a simple, safe and skilful game. It’s fun for all shapes and sizes. It’s inclusive and accessible. It can be practiced in a few square metres. It’s the game we play in the global village.

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