The Social Value of European Leagues – EPFL Report, 2012

The Social Value of European Leagues – EPFL Report, 2012

As this document demonstrates, the European Football Leagues take very seriously their responsibilities towards society and are truly making the difference in so many ways.

Promoting new life-experiences for blind people, like the Austria League has been doing across the country’s stadiums. Mobilizing the power of football to support poor families in Africa, like the Belgium Pro League has been doing. Creating chances and changing lives for the better in local communities, like the Premier League has been doing across England or providing opportunities for disabled people and increasing their ability to live independently, like the Football League is doing in the same country. Raising public’s awareness about Alzheimer and other diseases, like the French League has been doing in France. Fostering social integration, anti-racism and violence prevention policies through football, as the DFL has been doing in Germany. Developing social programs related to research on cancer, children’s rights and developing charitable initiatives, like the three Italian Leagues have been doing across their country. Promoting healthier life styles among the population, opening football grounds to children to stimulate them to learn math, languages and other classes, like the Eredivisie has been doing in Holland. Combining entertainment and leisure activities with social and educational workshops in collaboration with FAO, Unicef and other agencies, like the Spanish League is doing. Mobilizing football stars to visit children’s hospitals and orphanages, like the Leagues are doing in Russia, Poland, Portugal, Scotland and many other countries.

Under the umbrella of the EPFL, and in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and the European Commission, all Leagues are mobilized in a fight for the most basic and fundamental human right: the right to food and human dignity. A right which cannot, must not be denied to any individual.

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