IF Elfsborg ‘We Together’ – Supporter Relations

Project details

IF Elfsborg

IF Elfsborg ‘We Together’ – Supporter Relations

The ‘We Together’ business area represents the vast amount of work that IF Elfsborg has developed, supported and promoted away from the professional football arena. Conceived in 2009 as Camp Elfsborg, the ‘We Together’ then as a project, has expanded exponentially over the years, continuously evolving and developing its content and infrastructure to support those within our community who are most in need. As one of the foremost leading football brands in Sweden, IF Elfsborg along with its associate partners has the responsibility and power to open a whole world of opportunities for those seeking help or progression. As highlighted, we do not do this alone and with the generous co operational support of national organisations, local business, regional municipality and other clubs (in all sports), the ‘We Together’ business area continues to impress and influence positive community action.

The ‘We Together’ is divided into three integral parts:

  • Camp Elfsborg
  • Social Responsibility
  • Supporter Relations

What is We Together’s Supporter Relations?

SUPPORTER RELATIONS: A Guligan (the name of our organized supporters) can love anyone. The supporters are our main support. Their presence creates and gives us the ability to win games both on and off the field. Our cooperation with Guligan is extremely important and we are keen to understand the nature of the organisation and respect each other’s rights and opinions. Our supporters are all who are cheering for IF Elfsborg. They can be connected to the supporter’s clubs, our sponsors and others who in any way follow IF Elfsborg. Obviously, we see even those who have no connection to us as our supporters.

  • “We support the tifo group and Young Supporters
  • We have together with Guliganerna raised over one million crowns to the Swedish Cancer Foundation
  • We arrange We Together travels together with Guliganerna every year to some away games.
  • We arrange “Zoo Day” which has about 12,000 visitors each year.
  • We are working for an inclusive stand environment where the aim is to strengthen the fellowship.
  • We work against homophobia and racism.
  • We have dialogue meetings with our supporters.
  • We are committed to Guliganernas project LikaOlika, which invites socially exposed to football games and friendship.”
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