Project details
Supporter 2 Reporter – Leyton Orient Trust
‘S2RforSuccess’ is an innovative new partnership between Digital Me and the For Success Foundation which brings together Digital ME’s acclaimed Supporter to Reporter (S2R) and the FSF’s network of learning centres located in high profile sporting venues. S2R for Success is a programme where 11-16 year olds enhance their speaking and listening and writing skills through becoming sports reporters.
Twenty hours of training and hands-on experience, at a sports club learning centre, culminates in a ‘Match Day’ where participants put their skills into practice in a challenging real-world context. Reporters will act as professional journalists, producing video, audio, blogs and images and publishing them on the leading schools’ social media site Make waves. As they progress through a structured skills framework, their growing abilities will be recognised and rewarded through ‘digital badges’ called S2R Medals – transferable online markers of achievement.