OFI Crete FC – Breast cancer awareness campaigns

Project details

OFI Crete FC
2019, 2020
Health & Well-being

OFI Crete FC – Breast cancer awareness campaigns

In October 2019, OFI Crete FC organised a campaign, “We are all in the same team”, in collaboration with the Panhellenic Cancer Prevention Society “Stohos – Prolipsi”, including a series of actions, to highlight the importance of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

In the two home matches that took place in October 2019 the club’s players, while entering the stadium, wore T-shirts with the pink ribbon, which is the international symbol against breast cancer and the message “We are all in the same team”. OFI gave access to October’s home games to every woman, who was interested, with a symbolic ticket price of 2 euros. All the money raised from the tickets were given to the Panhellenic Cancer Prevention Society.

The year after, in October 2020, for the second time, OFI Crete FC stood next to women who battle against breast cancer, by organizing a series of actions. In collaboration with a local Diagnostic Center and sponsor of the team, “Asklipios Diagnosis”, the club offered the opportunity to 15 women to undergo a free clinical breast examination, while all the women who were interested received a 10% discount.

On October 18th, during a match against Panathinaikos F.C. in the “Theodoros Vardinogiannis” Stadium, OFI footballers wore match shirts with the pink ribbon, the international symbol of breast cancer awareness. Also, the captains of the two teams entered the stadium, before kick off, wearing T-shirts with the message “We Care”, while T-shirts with a relevant message were worn by all those who worked on the stadium that day.

In addition to that, OFI Crete released a video, called “Join the fight!”, where footballers’ wives and female staff members talked about the importance of prevention and early diagnosis.

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