NAC Breda Old Stars

Project details

The Netherlands
Walking Football, Health

NAC Breda Old Stars

NAC OldStars‘ is a programme that runs for period of 20 weeks and is a variation of Walking Football. The sessions are specially adapted to the physical conditions of the ‘OldStars’ and contribute to stimulating a healthier lifestyle of the participants. However, the programme also includes a wide range of social components. Each session starts with a meeting of the participants in the canteen to drink a coffee or tea.

Next to that, the group enjoys card afternoons, joint lunches and games against other ‘OldStars’ selection. All activities belonging to the programme are encouraging an active lifestyle.


Training times and Place Report 
o WDS ’19 (Sportpark Paradise Ganzerik 80 Breda) – Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00
o TSC (Sportpark the Park, Warandelaan 10-14 Oosterhout) – Wednesday 11.00 – 13.00
o Baronie (Sportpark De Blauwe Kei , Blue Boulder 1A, Breda) – Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00
o Internos (Sportpark de Hooge Neerstraat, 7 Olympiad, Etten-Leur) – Wednesday 11.00 – 13.00


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