Project details

Inter Campus
Education, social inclusion, human development


Inter Campus Bolivia was founded in 2008 in collaboration with Fundación Casari thatis housed in the tough neighborhood of Ticti Norte in Cochabamba with its Educational and Recreational Centre.
The objective of the joint intervention is support education, social inclusion and human development of children from outlying areas or forced to live in prison, in addition to the pedagogical-sport training of local educators.
Inter Campus Bolivia includes now 320 boys and girls between 6 and 13 years.
Of these, 150 live in Ticti Norte neighborhood, while 70 live with their parents in the penitentiary of San Sebastián.

Promoting Local Expertise for Production Development

In 2016 a brand-new programme has started in the Entre Rios area of Sacaba. Launched in collaboration with the United Nations Peace and Development Programme in Bolivia and the city of Sacaba within the “Saemaul Undong: Promoting Local Expertise for Production Development” initiative, the project is dedicated to 100 local boys and girls.
The partners behind the project have formed a strategic alliance with the aim of promoting the education and social inclusion of children from the Entre Rios area, using the values of sport and play as catalysts to help better their quality of life and improve the area they live in. Key aims include preventing violence, encouraging the development of leadership qualities and promoting gender equality.
The objective of the project is to harness the educational possibilities of football to spark a far-reaching phenomenon of social transformation in the area, working with boys and girls between the ages of six and 13. These were selected according to social risk criteria.
Given that the project’s ultimate goal is to have a positive effect on the community as a whole, local adolescents take part as assistants to the trainers. Moreover, measures were taken to support a group of local women, tasking them with preparing food for the kids after each training session.

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