Feyenoord OldStars

Project details

The Netherlands
Feyenoord Rotterdam
Walking Football

Feyenoord OldStars

Feyenoord OldStars play Walking Football, six against six (without goalkeeper) at walking pace. Sliding tackles are prohibited and the ball must not rise above the hip. Because running is not allowed (and the risk of injury is relatively small), this soccer ball shape is ideal for the elderly.

Feyenoord OldStars brings Feyenoord supporters (aged 55 years old or more) in motion together. And arise football friendships around the field. Research made by the KNVB shows that 55 percent of Walking Football players notices that their fitness has improved, while 20 percent  come into contact with others more easily thanks to the sport.

Feyenoord OldStars train under the guidance of coaches every Wednesday. They also regularly play tournaments against other OldStars clubs.


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