F.C EMMEN – Naoberschap Inside

Project details

The Netherlands
FC Emmen
Employability, Social Development, Social Inclusion

F.C EMMEN – Naoberschap Inside

FC Emmen and Naoberschap United join forces to deliver the ‘Naoberschap Inside’ project which focuses on reintegrating prisoners into the job market in a sustainable manner.

An important task of the Custodial Institutions Agency is locking up people who have been sentenced to imprisonment. However, it’s just as important to work on a successful return to society to reduce criminality, unsafety and other problems. Using sports by means of FC Emmen and Naoberschap United with the project ‘Naoberschap Inside’ is a great way of doing just that. Sports connect, activate and fraternise.

Naoberschap Inside” is working with prisoners during the imprisonment. In the last stage of their punishment, motivated and screened detainees can do volunteer work in and around the stadium. Aiming to be the first club in the Netherlands, FC Emmen want to deliver club trainers for the prison in Veenhuizen so they can play football at least twice a week.

In cooperation with MatchBoyz Recruiting en Career the project ‘Work after imprisonment’ starts. The network of FC Emmen and Naoberschap United is used to find a place to work for every individual. For one, that means doing another study, while another participant might be fit for work right away.
