City in the Community Programmes

Project details

United Kingdom
City in the Community, Manchester City

City in the Community Programmes

City in the Community is Manchester City’s charity. Founded in 1986, the charity supports people across Greater Manchester by empowering healthier lives through football. Programmes place physical and mental wellbeing at their core, whilst also creating healthy futures and healthy communities.

CSR Activities: Outcome-led pillars

Each of charity’s 18 programmes sit under one outcome-led pillar:

HEALTHY PEOPLE: Nurturing healthy people by putting physical activity and mental well-being at the centre of the charity’s programmes.

HEALTHY FUTURES: Building healthy futures through education and employability pathways.

HEALTHY COMMUNITIES: Connecting people by creating healthy communities in safe, inclusive environments.

The charity achieves tangible, meaningful impact through regular, sustained and high-quality contact time between the staff and the participants they engage with.

Their projects

Read the 2022/23 Annual Report here

This Annual Report, which is a new document for City in the Community, represents how much the charity has adapted in recent years, both operationally and in its communications approach.

Find here some of the programmes:


City Play is a bespoke programme that provides physical activity sessions for children aged between 2 and 5 years in nurseries and schools across Greater Manchester. Each themed session delivers a variety of fundamental movements and skills in a fun, engaging and inclusive environment. These sessions reflect the 7 learning areas of the EYFS framework, helping children to meet the nationally recognised 3 hours of physical activity per day.

The programme aims to use of the power of football and the Manchester City Football Club brand to encourage children in Manchester to live a healthy and active lifestyle from a young age.

City Girls

The City Girls project engages female participants with free football training, leadership and mentoring opportunities.

Through after-school clubs and community satellites, girls across Greater Manchester have the regular opportunity to play for free with CITC. Using the power of football and brand of Manchester City, the City Girls project aims to provide safe spaces for girls to engage in football, improve their physical and mental wellbeing and develop their leadership skills.

City Inspires

Partnered with the Premier League, City Inspires aims to use the appeal of Manchester City to work with secondary school learners who are at risk of not reaching their potential, and to support them through the education system and early adulthood. CITC coaches deliver a high-quality education curriculum that inspires pupils to succeed and excel academically, physically and socially. The programme provides an opportunity for pupils to learn essential life skills, with a focus of improving their engagement in education, prosocial behaviours and mental well-being.

Within the City Inspires programme, we offer a wide range of PSHE sessions, which schools can choose from to tailor the programme to the needs of their students. We place a strong focus on behaviour, welfare and personal development, as we feel that these topics are vital for the cohorts that the programme is aimed at.