
Project details

Social Inclusion
Upcoming Activities
18 Jul
The 7th Edition of the EAFF Junior Camp will take place in Belgium. Picturesque Blankenberge will be buzzing with the energy of young amputee football enthusiasts. This year, we are thrilled to announce that it’s co-organized by the Clube Brugge Foundation! As a part of the Nobody Offside Project. Let’s make the 7th Read more


EFDN started a new project called ‘All-in & Win’ to increase knowledge & awareness to recognize discrimination in grassroots sports towards members of the LGBT+ community. Together with two academic institutions, the John Blankenstein Foundation and multiple hockey & football national associations, we aim for the acceptance of LGBT+ and creating a safe & inclusive sport climate for people who identify themselves within the LGBT+ label. 

Participation in sports is a human right and everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy its physical, social and mental health benefits regardless of their sex, sexual oriantation or gender identity. Unfortunately, too many athletes experience discriminitory behavior and intolerance in sport. As a consequence, too many people are not willing to come out because they are afraid of the responses in their sport environment.  

With the support of the European Commission, All-in & Win is setting up a research spreaded around Europe to gather empirical results about racism, discrimination and intolerance of the LGBT+ community in sport. Furthermore, a innovative Pilot Programme to strengthen the capacities and policy making of sport organizations, will be designed, tested and evaluated based upon the key results from the empirical study.  

With the project we hope to educate board members, coaches and referees, creating offline and online educational programs and professionalise the Inclusion & Wellbeing Management of sport federations and organisations.  

The objectives of the program are: 

  • Tackle racism, discrimination, and violence against the LGBT+ community in sport 
  • Social inclusion in and through sport 
  • Promote social cohesion through sport 
  • Promote active citizenship 
  • Promote voluntary activity in sport 
  • Enhance social and bridging capital of athletes 
  • Creating a safer environment for athletes within their club or organization

Project Partners

Funding Partner

Sustainable Development Goals
