05er KidsClub

Project details

Social Interaction

05er KidsClub

The 05er KidsClub is a social project of the club for children between the age 6 to 12 years old. The aim is to provide social interaction by learning and experiencing new things in the community. The project is a meeting place for children regardless their familiar background, social status or athletic talents. The project focuses on conveying social values like respect, helpfulness, tolerance and social competencies. Excursions to museums, interactive lectures and a wide range of other activities are part of the programme, in which more than 1000 children take part. Topics about which the children learn are among others healthy lifestyle, conscious interaction with nature and gaining a healthy body image.

Additionally, the topic of football is being addressed. In that regard, the yearly visit to one of Mainz05’s games at the OPEL ARENA is a highlight of the programme.

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