International Youth Day 2021 – Call to Action

11 August 2021

International Youth Day 2021 – Call to Action

International Youth Day 2021 arrives in the midst of a pandemic for the second time and the day’s presence (August 12) garners great importance in these times of distress experienced by people worldwide. The youth have been at the forefront of worldwide campaigns, sustainable projects and strategies regarding a wide variety of topics – from promoting mental health to supporting COVID-19 response schemes and developing educational platforms.

We, at EFDN, are celebrating the strength of the youth and we want you to be a part of it! This call to action serves not only for members of the European Football for Development Network alliance – including member clubs, leagues and FAs, but also for beneficiaries, volunteers, coaches etc. who would like to get involved on this special occasion.

COVID-19 has affected leaps and bounds in our daily lives and it is necessary to highlight the work done by the youth in the management of this outbreak.

If you or your organisation is interested in taking part to underline the importance of youth involvement, especially during these testing times – you can proceed by using the #morethanfootball hashtag in your social media posts on this occasion and tag EFDN’s social media accounts wherever applicable.

  • Facebook: / European Football for Development Network
  • Instagram: efdnfoundation
  • Twitter: efdn._tweets
  • LinkedIn: European Football for Development Network

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