Werder Bremen’s Donation Days end with 70,000 Euro for SOS Children’s Villages

7 January 2021

Werder Bremen’s Donation Days end with 70,000 Euro for SOS Children’s Villages

“4 donations in 4 days” were handed over by EFDN member SV Werder Bremen on behalf of the Green-White community before the last Bundesliga match of the year. The last one took place in Bremen’s Neustadt, where representatives from the facilities of the SOS Children’s Village Bremen and the SOS Children’s Village Worpswede/Bremen-Nord received a 70,000 Euro check. The money comes from SV Werder Bremen’s promise to donate 12 percent of the sum from unrecovered ticket money to the SOS Children’s Village.

“The sum is a huge motivation for us and gives our projects to support local children a real boost. We will certainly also put the sum into our work at Grohner Düne, where we can also activate a large social network together with Werder in the SPIELRAUM project and look after many children from the neighborhood,” said Joachim Schuch, facility manager at SOS Children’s Village Worpswede. “A big thank you to SV Werder for their continued strong social commitment despite the difficult year. For us, the focus is on children growing up healthy and that includes exercise, that includes sports. And sport is inextricably linked with Werder in our city. The donation gives us the opportunity to support even more children, young people and families in this area,” explains Dr. Lars Becker, facility manager of the SOS Children’s Village Bremen.

Werder’s president Dr. Hubertus Hess-Grunewald is pleased that Werder could now hand over all donations before Christmas. “We have announced a lot this year and motivated our fans and partners to help and together we have achieved a lot and kept our word. This money for the SOS Children’s Village is in very good hands there. It helps an institution with which we have been very closely associated for years and we can assess exactly how the money will be used. We are looking forward to maintaining the connection and achieving common goals in the years to come. SOS Children’s Village is a strong ally for improving the lives of many children in the city.”

SV Werder handed over “4 donations in 4 days” before the last Bundesliga match day in 2020 and focused on people and charitable projects and their supporters. Partners and sponsors from the “Christmas Greetings” campaign had already donated 15,000 euros to a project supporting the construction of a football pitch at Grohner Düne in Bremen. Inner Mission received 15,000 euros for its work with the homeless. Bremen’s ‘soup angels’ were pleased to receive 30,000 euros.


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