Werder Bremen offers activities for senior citizens

3 February 2021

Werder Bremen offers activities for senior citizens

With the pandemic measures and lockdowns still in place, many older people cannot meet others and are at risk of isolation. EFDN member Werder Bremen implemented three activities for senior citizens to keep them entertained, connected and healthy.

Brain teaser course

There is now an activity for 60plus members and all other Bremen residents who want to get active outside: A brain teaser course awaits them around the wohninvest WESERSTADION.

Riddles have been hidden at ten locations on the grounds on the Osterdeich. They can be accessed via QR code. Participants only need a smartphone with a QR reader to get started. Scanning a QR code opens a PDF file with the puzzle. The aim is to collect all ten of them – after which the tasks can be solved conveniently from home. In each puzzle, there are letters, which in the end result in the solution, and another hint. That way, participants can have fun moving, searching and puzzling. After collecting all puzzles, they can send in their solution and win a Werder surprise.

Digital lectures

The 60plus members of SV Werder Bremen have digital opportunities to stay in touch with others. The Focke Museum, for example, is a cooperation partner for a series of digital lectures on the history of the city of Bremen, and the walking football team of the Green-Whites meets for an online chat.

The series of the Focke Museum started on Tuesday evening, 26.01.2021, with a lecture by the state archaeologist Prof. Dr. Uta Halle on the topic “Bremen’s urban development excavated” in the period between 800 and 1200, dealing with the topics of topography (dune and harbor), everyday life (life, work and trade) and religious diversity (pagans and Christians). Interested people can still register for the second lecture. The second lecture will take place at the end of February and will deal with the period between 1200 and 1500.

Online chats for the Walking Football team

Similar to the Focke Museum, SV Werder itself is also facilitating digital opportunities for its 60plus members during the pandemic. The Walking Football team, for example, has been meeting for two weeks for “online Klönschnack” – most recently with 18 participants. “Last year during Lockdown, we met online for football practice. Now, the impulse came from our co-trainer to meet for a chat”, said Nadja Pilzweger. Conversations lasted almost 90 minutes, so the offer was very well received.


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