Werder Bremen Introducing Training in Children’s Sports at Tura Bremen

30 May 2023

Werder Bremen Introducing Training in Children’s Sports at Tura Bremen

Werder Bremen with several sports organisations introduced a training session, in which nearly 130 exercise instructors, teachers, educators and other pedagogical specialists took part at Tura Bremen.

Together with the Bremer Fußball-Verband e.V. (Bremen Football Association), the Bremer Sportjugend (Bremen Sports Youth), the Landesinstitut für Schule Bremen (Bremen State Institute for Schools) and the cooperation partner Alba Berlin, Werder Bremen was able to release the training with six different modules. Throughout the day, the network partners gave impulses and new ideas in the field of children’s sports to many people from day-care centres, schools, clubs, social institutions and municipalities.

New impulses were set for the different target groups to motivate children and young people to participate in cool and child-friendly sports. In a varied format of theory and practice, a wide variety of contents were conveyed and discussed:

  • Children’s training, based on their age and target group
  • Mini ball school
  • Primary ball school
  • Sports network
  • Cross-sport “small field games”
  • Designing inclusive physical activity programmes

Together with Alba Berlin, the focus was set on using a large network to achieve the movement’s goals comprehensively and from different perspectives. A wide range of questions were discussed in group work: How do I create networks? Who do I approach and how? Who are the actors?

We will continue this in the coming year and hope to contribute to sustainably promoting and strengthening the sports landscape in Bremen.”

Ludwig Voss, Programme Coordinator Spielraum at Werder Bremen

EFDN initiatives, related to children’s physical activity

Scoring for Health

The Scoring for Health programme encourages children from the ages of 7 to 13, and their parents, to adopt a healthy lifestyle and make them aware of the value of eating healthily and being active. Childhood obesity is a multifactorial disease associated with a wide range of serious health and social consequences including a higher risk of premature death and disability in adulthood. Preventing childhood obesity, supporting the development of healthy dietary preferences and promoting physical exercise from an early age is therefore essential. 

Scoring for Health is designed to tackle these issues with a 2 ½ year programme.  The participants are provided 2 periods of 20 weeks of various activities with a particular focus on eating habits and physical exercise at schools to provide information and encourage the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 


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