Werder Bremen donates old jerseys to projects in Africa

23 August 2018

Werder Bremen donates old jerseys to projects in Africa

Werder Bremen used its shift to another supplier to provide different social projects in Africa with high-quality clothing and equipment. 

Teams and employees of Werder Bremen were given new kits and the fan store has re-opened its assortment some days ago. To ensure that the old clothes and equipment didn’t end up in the garbage, the club’s CSR department Werder Bewegt (Werder moves), in collaboration with the ”Welthungerhilfe” organisation, has sent all the materials to Africa where all the items made available by Werder Bremen are used in various social projects.

Support for football school in Central Africa 

Innumerable boxes were packed, which were picked up with a big truck in front of the Weser Stadium. Most of the stuff is sent to Bangui in Central Africa, where it will be used by a newly founded football school, which is supported jointly by “Welthungerhilfe” and the German government. The football school will accommodate in total 1,300 young people and offers them a new perspective. In accordance with the motto of the football school “Football connects”, the children and young people will get social education and will learn about values such as team spirit and fair play. The project partner “Welthungerhilfe” focuses on resolving the world’s hunger in a sustainable way and tries to offer all people a self-determined life in dignity and justice. By donating the jerseys and other clothing, Werder can support “Welthungerhilfe” in achieving its goals.

Werder Bremen also send clothing to the “Global Aid Network”, which provides humanitarian aid in more than 40 countries. In addition, a part of the old equipment is brought to Lesotho and to the “German Docs”. This association that provides medical aid in numerous developing countries.


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