Welcome through Football Brings Fun To Participants in Emmen

13 November 2020

Welcome through Football Brings Fun To Participants in Emmen

FC Emmen is reporting excellent results from the implementation of its Welcome through Football programme. One of their participant – 15-year-old Aram from Uzbekistan – is always looking forward to the Monday and Friday afternoon training sessions. “I love to be active and play football together. We learn from the trainers of FC Emmen how to play together and help each other make goals. I used to play football in Uzbekistan. The training I get here from FC Emmen coaches is much more fun because I get good tips, for example how best to walk free or how best to accept a ball.”

Aram already knows FC Emmen a little bit more, as two years ago he was in stadium De Oude Meerdijk. “That was very cool to see everything so close up, very different from what I see on television.”

Trainer Henri de Leeuw is one of four coaches who provides training on behalf of FC Emmen: “It’s a lot of fun to do, we can really teach the children something, not only about football but also about the standards and values we find important at FC Emmen. We always try to please the children during the training sessions and when I see them with a big smile, yes, that’s what we do as coaches.”

The success of the football project is demonstrated by the increasing number of participants. At the beginning of the sessions in October, the group started out with fifteen participants and has since doubled to thirty.

Welcome Through Football at AZC Emmen is a collaboration between UEFA Foundation for Children, EFDN, AZC Emmen, M&GEZOND!, FC Emmen and Stichting Naoberschap United, the social branch of FC Emmen.


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