Tottenham Premier League Kicks Participants organise Tournament

22 January 2018

Tottenham Premier League Kicks Participants organise Tournament

Participants from Tottenham Hotspur’s Premier League Works employability programme had the opportunity to put some of their newly-learned skills into practice by organising a football tournament for over 40 children at Duke’s Aldridge Academy in Tottenham.

Club Ambassador Gary Mabbutt attended the event to present the organisers with certificates for their achievements and offer some advice.

Premier League Works is an employability and life skills programme that is delivered by Tottenham Hotspur Foundation. The programme aims to re-engage 16- to 24-year-old NEETS (not in employment, education or training) and equip them with key skills needed for employment or a return to full time education. The 10 week programme involves a range of activities and workshops and is then followed by a nine month mentoring and support system which is personalised for each young person. As part of the course, participants from Enfield and Haringey have learned key skills such as teamwork, communication, event management and organisation.

They have helped me get back on track

One success story of the Club’s Premier League Works programme is Troy Uzoka. He dropped out of college due to an injury and struggled to further his education. After joining the programme, Troy has been helped to pursue his goal of becoming a fully trained Level 2 personal trainer and pass his Sports Leadership qualification.

Gary Mabbutt said: “The work that the Club does in the area of employability is second to none. Giving these young people the opportunity to organise a large tournament is a brilliant opportunity to help develop their personal and social skills which, in turn, will give them the confidence and experience they need to get back into education, training or employment.”

Troy Uzoka said: “Organising today’s tournament has been a real challenge, but we have worked together as a team and put into practice all the skills we have learnt over the past ten weeks on the Premier League Works course. It’s been a real sense of achievement seeing all these kids playing in the tournament and having such a good time. Without Tottenham Hotspur, I would be lost. They have helped me get back on track.”