The FC Basel 1893 becomes partner of the athletes network

1 December 2020

The FC Basel 1893 becomes partner of the athletes network

FC Basel 1893 is the first football club to enter into a partnership with the Athletes Network. The network, of which former FC Basel player Beni Huggel is a member of the founding team, aims to help professional athletes make a successful transition into post-sport careers under the claim ” By athletes for athletes”. The FCB hopes that this sustainable approach – as part of its social responsibility – will provide support for affected players in the junior and women’s divisions and the first team.

The transition to post-sport careers is a complex and not easily mastered change for athletes who have been strongly focused on sport for a large part of their lives. Personal goals have to be redefined, the much acclaimed sporting performance suddenly no longer counts. The whole environment is changing, the challenges are of a completely different nature than in previous years.

The Athletes Network – founded by active and former top athletes as well as an HR specialist – supports and accompanies athletes in this process of change; by athletes for athletes, in the conviction that the skills and mentality of top athletes are also valuable in business and can be of great benefit. The Athletes Network is the first network in Switzerland that unites all sports. It connects athletes who are actively involved in post-sport careers with the business world.

The founders of the Athletes Network: Beni Huggel, Niels Hintermann, Severin Blindenbacher, Dave Heiniger (left to right)

Beni Huggel, former FCB player and founding member of the network: “We are very pleased that FC Basel is the first football club to join our network. In doing so, the club is demonstrating that it not only wants to be successful in sport, but also wants to be an employer that thinks sustainably. We are convinced that, together with the FCB, we can help affected players to find a good start to their post-sport careers”.

Roland Heri, CEO of FC Basel 1893, shares this view: “The idea and the goal of the Athletes Network strike an important nerve for a football club like the FCB, which wants to live up to its social responsibility towards its players. Since those affected have so far been left to their own devices in the considerations and preparations for their post-sport careers, support from a suitable network is of course more than welcome. That’s why we are very happy to get involved here for our players and are delighted about this important partnership.


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