Successful improvisation at the Anders Inburgeren project by FC Twente
Due to unexpected circumstances, two project participants were unable to participate during the Anders Inburgeren project. Customization and improvisation was required.
During Scoring’s projects in the district, the foundation must also conform to the measures in force from the national government at that time. This was also the case during the Anders Inburgeren project in Oldenzaal. Due to the current obligation of being able to demonstrate with a QR code that they have either a negative PCR test or a vaccination certificate, the group of participants was unexpectedly divided. Two of the participants, despite complying with the applicable regulations, were unable to obtain a QR code due to other underlying circumstances.
In order to be able to offer these participants a program that is in line with the project, various outdoor activities were organized for them, while the rest of the group was exercising indoors. For example, these participants took a walk in the Lutterzand area and then visited the Milk and Honey farm shop of the Raw Milk Company where kefir is made. A beautiful experience. The problems with the QR code have now been resolved and the participants can rejoin the group activities. A nice example of customization and improvisation is offered to provide these participants with great activities at the time.
Anders Inburgeren (Integrating differently)
Anders Inburgeren is a project in which several parties, such as the ROC van Twente, Bewegen Werkt!, the Municipality of Oldenzaal and FC Twente, scoren in de wijk, work together to support people in Oldenzaal to better integrate into Dutch society.
The target group are participants who are not or only to a limited extent literate, who have had little or no training and who have limited learning opportunities. It is not possible for them to follow and successfully complete the regular integration program within the available term.
The goal is to improve their participation in society. After the program the participants can manage in the local society, they are integrated in a practical way.