30 November 2015


found_nov30_730bThe Club, through its charitable Foundation, has delivered a social cost saving of over £20m through groundbreaking community programmes, figures released today reveal. Tottenham Hotspur Foundation uses sport, in particular football, as a vehicle to create potentially life changing opportunities for children, young people and others across north and north east London.

The Social Audit and Impact Report uses the Sportworks model, developed by Substance for the Sported Foundation, and is the first of its kind to be commissioned by a Premier League Football Club to help measure the impact and cost savings associated with delivery of sport for development programmes.

It assesses the likelihood or ‘risk’ of Tottenham Hotspur Foundation programme participants facing a range of social problems and estimates the degree to which these risks are reduced by project activity, enabling a calculation to be made of the proportionate reduction in the financial burden to society associated with the reduced likelihood of participants facing negative outcomes in:

• Involvement in crime and anti-social behaviour
• Educational attainment
• Educational attendance
• Substance misuse
• Wellbeing
• Physical fitness and obesity
• Not in Education, Training or Employment status

The report finds that the Foundation’s projects delivered a minimum social cost saving in the year to July 31, 2015, of £20,532,071, with expenditure in the same period being £2,973,000, estimating social cost savings of £7 for every £1 invested by the Foundation.

Daniel Levy, Chairman, said: “The Club is delighted that the work we do through our Foundation can now be valued and assessed for the real difference it makes to our local communities. “All too often, ‘good works’ happen and are taken for granted, without any sense or evaluation of their value and outcomes. “We now know we do change lives and, with our extended commitment to our neighbourhoods, we intend to change many more.”


Sir Keith Mills, Founder of Sported, added: “Most people intuitively know that sport can positively change people’s lives, particularly disadvantaged young people.

“This report into the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation has been able to detail the economic and social impact of its programmes.

“The Sportworks research tool, developed by my Sported Foundation, has been able to quantify the phenomenal impact and value that the Foundation has created through its great work.”

The Club is currently leading the regeneration efforts in Tottenham, which will see a world-class new stadium delivered by 2018.

Rather than assessing what it has achieved to date, this report will enable Tottenham Hotspur Foundation to place itself at the heart of the regeneration agenda by setting ambitious targets over the next two years and hold itself to account by publishing progress against a new Foundation Outcome Framework.

This Framework will support the strategic aims of the London Boroughs of Haringey and Enfield to increase sport and physical activity, improve health, well-being and educational attainment and ensure the economic regeneration of north and east London.

Tim Crabbe, Chief Executive of Substance, said: “We were thrilled when Tottenham Hotspur approached us to prepare a Social Audit and Impact Report for its Foundation. This report is ground breaking in several ways.

“Firstly, it tells a powerful story of the central role that football clubs can play within their communities, beyond the pride and passion of match day.

“Secondly, it reveals the growing maturity of the community sports sector and the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, in particular in terms of an internally driven commitment to impact measurement and willingness to be held to account.

“Finally, it provides a platform to showcase the cutting edge impact and shared measurement models that have emerged out of the community sport sector and which are increasingly shaping its future direction.”

You can download the full report here

“First posted on Tottenham Hotspur Foundation”

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