Call for projects: European Sport migrant integration platform

25 July 2017

Call for projects: European Sport migrant integration platform

A platform aimed at expanding the network for the integration of newly arrived migrants via sport.

At the beginning of June 2016, the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) organised its annual conference in Vienna on the theme of “newly arrived migrants and their integration via sport.”

This conference was a great success, brimming with fruitful and interesting discussions and statements.

We were happy to note that there are a multitude of projects and experiences out there which are being carried out by a broad range and number of stakeholders at international, national and local level, by the sport movement, government authorities, NGOs, federations and different associations, etc. However, it was also apparent that a lot of these projects and activities, despite their high quality and positive results, are not sufficiently promoted or well-known. In addition, the project owners in many cases regret feeling isolated and would welcome a platform where they could swap and share information within a network.


On this basis, EPAS has been given the objective of:
Indexing and sharing knowledge on good practices which are taking place at a pan-European level, on current activities and future projects focusing on newly arrived migrants and their integration via sport, and subsequently putting them in the spotlight
Bringing together project owners and other stakeholders concerned, thus giving them the platform to swap their experiences in this field thanks to this network
Giving those looking for ideas, good practices and expertise, the possibility to get in touch with project owners and stakeholders in this area


A new tool (in English and French) is being implemented on the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) website. It indexes actions and projects in the field of newly-arrived migrants and their integration via sport.

It is a real operational platform for exchange and support to those who work in this field and to anyone interested by the subject matter. It contains a directory of projects, an index of project owners and a forum with restricted access.

This tool will develop and in future could see additional services offered.

We welcome feedback and suggestions you may have regarding further needs.

Target audience

The platform is proposed to all project owners within the European continent and beyond in the specific field of newly-arrived migrants and their integration via sport, as well as all other relevant persons or organisations interested in this subject.

Its aim is to both make their life easier and to give them a forum for discussion to support one another.

The platform does not claim to be exhaustive, but its intention is to gather as much useful and practical information as possible for its users. Nor will its content be set in stone; the idea is for it to grow and develop with input from its users and contributions from the field.
For more information and to submit a project visit the Council of Europe website.

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