PAOK Action informs about World Multiple Sclerosis Day
May 30 has been established as World Multiple Sclerosis Day. and PAOK Action have researched some important and useful information about the disease that afflicts thousands of our fellow human beings.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, complex, and unpredictable Central Nervous System (CNS) disease with a clinical course that can often lead to disability.
People living with Multiple Sclerosis can experience a wide range of symptoms and so far there is no «radical cure». The most common symptoms are decreased vision in one eye, diplopia, numbness or weakness in one or more limbs, and gait instability.
Multiple Sclerosis can affect people of any age from early childhood to the age of 65, with more than 2.5 million people worldwide affected. In Greece, more than 20,000 people are treated for MS.
However, Multiple Sclerosis shows an exacerbation over a period of 20-40 years, prevailing in women over men.
It is worth noting that Multiple Sclerosis:
Is not contagious
Is not hereditary
Is not a mental disorder
And of course, it is not deadly
It is a primary need for the patient to be involved from the first moment in the treatment decision to establish a relationship of trust with the doctor. Given that the majority of patients diagnosed with MS are between 20 and 40 years old, we understand that the disease affects people who are active in their creative phase of their lives (studies, family, career).
Patients’ compliance with Multiple Sclerosis treatment is the first important element for the further development of the disease and to this is added the important role of organized, systematic and individualized exercise and rehabilitation in the management of the disease progression and the need to maintain a high level of functionality with the ultimate goal of achieving their functional independence in all activities of their daily lives.