New EFDN member: VVV-Venlo
EFDN is proud to welcome VVV-Venlo and VVV Foundation as a new member of the network. VVV-Venlo is an attractive, tradition-rich and sporting leading professional football organisation in the north of the province of Limburg, the Netherlands.
They believe in the power of sport and the club and want to use the opportunities that VVV offers for socially relevant purposes. VVV has the power to be of significant influence in the north and the centerparts of Limburg.
The VVV Foundation stands for community at local, urban and regional level (including cross-border activities in Germany, Nordrhein Westfalen) and is the connection between the professional football club VVV-Venlo and the society. Key points and priorities of the VVV Foundation are a healthy lifestyle, participation and talent development in the broadest sense of the word.
Our new member sees EFDN as the platform to share their knowledge and expertise with other social departments and foundations of football clubs and to gain ideas to maintain and improve the quality of their projects. Furthermore, the membership offers new opportunities to receive funding and other support.
Find more information on the new member and its programmes here.