
1 November 2015


2015 is the year of CSR at Ferencvarosi Torna Club. Among many organizations Fradi joins the Movember movement as well. Movember aims to raise awareness on the importance of regular check-ups to avoid one of the most widespread terminal sicknesses among males, the prostate cancer. In November the participants grow and groom their moustache for 30 days while being a walking billboard for the cause. Team captain Gábor Gyömbér will wear his moustache for a month and invites all Fradi fans to join the movement too.


Ferencvaros Against Racism

The 117 years old Ferencvárosi Torna Club has long been involved in a strenuous fight against racism and ...

Fradi School Programme reaches 28,000 children

In the school year 2015/16, our club relaunched the Fradi School Programme. As a result we reached 14,000 children. Our ...