#Morethanfootball Action Weeks Resources Available As Kickoff Nears

13 August 2020

#Morethanfootball Action Weeks Resources Available As Kickoff Nears

The European Football for Development Network (EFDN) is making available resources to its members and signed up organisations for the upcoming #Morethanfootball Action Weeks that will run from 15 September to 11 October 2020. You can register your football organisation for free.

The #Morethanfootball Action Weeks are a global campaign for the European football community to showcase the impact of their community and social responsibility activities and programmes. Supported by the UEFA Foundation for Children, the ECA and the European Football for Development Network, the campaign provides the wider European football family with a platform to inform and engage with fans and stakeholders on their Community and Social Responsibility activities and raise awareness of the transformative role European club football can play in changing peoples’ lives for the better.

EFDN Marketing and Communications Manager Marius Stegemann held a preparatory webinar ahead of the #Morethanfootball Action Weeks earlier this week. Individuals representing football clubs, charity foundations and other organisations using football for development were in attendance to receive information and updates on the upcoming campaign and the More than Football Award. Visit the cmapign website and register your organisation for free. 

Campaign resources

Visit the  #Morethanfootball Action Weeks website for more information. The following resources can now be accessed there:


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