Juventus on the field at Innovation 4 Change

7 July 2023

Juventus on the field at Innovation 4 Change

Another great experience with Juventus on the field came to a close today – Thursday, July 6, 2023.

This time, however, it is not the familiar green rectangle, but another field in which the club intends to play an increasingly leading role, namely that of Innovation.

Juventus, on Thursday, July 6, took part in the final day of the “Innovation 4 Change” (I4C) program at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, in which it proposed the following challenge to the competing participants: “How to engage fanbases for Community development”.

What is I4C? It is a laboratory for the future that aims to train innovators of in-depth technology – making them challenge each other – with the goal of solving global problems identified by industry and institutions through proven scientific methodologies around technology, innovation and impact management.

Overall, it was an exciting day dedicated to the future and collaboration, which was organized to inspire and enable future leaders – that is, talents with MBA and PhD backgrounds – led by CERN Geneva and the Collège des Ingénieurs (CDI). It was a day in which the young people who accepted the Club’s challenge presented their work; a day created with the idea of discovering opportunities and technologies that can collectively help create a better future together with European industry and institutional leaders.

As aforementioned, among the partner companies and institutions that supported the challenges this year was also Juventus, but this is not the first challenge in which the Club has taken part. “Innovation Challenge” activities are proving to be an integral part of Juventus’ approach and model of Innovation, which makes challenges and engagement yet another way to engage and learn about new generations and their ideas.


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