International Human Solidarity Day 2021

20 December 2021

International Human Solidarity Day 2021

Solidarity is identified in the Millennium Declaration as one of the fundamental values of international relations in the 21st Century, wherein those, who either suffer or benefit least deserve help from those who benefit most. Consequently, in the context of globalization and the challenge of growing inequality, strengthening of international solidarity is indispensable. Therefore, the UN General Assembly, convinced that the promotion of the culture of solidarity and the spirit of sharing is important for combating poverty, proclaimed 20 of December as International Human Solidarity Day. Through initiatives such as the establishment of the World Solidarity Fund to eradicate poverty and the proclamation of International Human Solidarity Day, the concept of solidarity was promoted as crucial in the fight against poverty and in the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. 


  • a day to celebrate our unity in diversity;
  • a day to remind governments to respect their commitments to international agreements;
  • a day to raise public awareness of the importance of solidarity;
  • a day to encourage debate on the ways to promote solidarity for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals including poverty eradication;
  • a day of action to encourage new initiatives for poverty eradication.


EFDN members have supported their communities through many brilliant initatives throughout the pandemic. For the 5th anniversary of the #Morethanfootball Action Weeks (22.03. -18.04.2021), together with the participating clubs, leagues and FAs, we wanted to demonstrate our solidarity and share the spirit of #Morethanfootball online. Side by side, we made the longest human solidarity chain in European football that started on 24 March. The aim was to show the diversity of people involved in the numerous football for development projects across Europe. Food distributions, phone calls and visits to socially isolated fans, online sport classes, fundraisers, anti-discrimination initatives – football organisations have continued to demonstrate that they are #Morethanfootball throughout the last months. We are united in the goal to use the power of football and support our communities.

Many German clubs are currently showing their solidarity with Aaron Opoku. After the Osnabrück VfL professional had been insulted with monkey noises from the spectator stands, the match in Duisburg on Sunday was initially interrupted and then abandoned in the 33rd minute after consultations between all parties involved.


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