Inter Campus’ journey in Romania

3 June 2016

Inter Campus’ journey in Romania

BUCHAREST – Our busy and exciting trip around Romania reminded us how different realities often find one thing in common: the magic that a football is capable of spreading all over the world!

Accompanied by Fondazione Parada president Franco Aloisio, we started things off with the children from the streets and two institutions in Bucharest. We also spoke with the coaches – both called Catalin – who passionately and diligently take daily training sessions for these unfortunate kids.

The passion from this pair is demonstrated by their efforts to actively round the children up and make sure they’re able to take a break from their bleak lives to enjoy the marvellous green colour of the football pitch.

While still in Bucharest, we met up with the president of the Inima Pentru Inima association, Lidia Dobre, who accompanied us on the drive to Valcea County where our local coordinator Telespan was waiting for us with the other coaches and the children from the orphanages. As always, Lidia made everyone feel at home, us included!

There were loads of theoretical seminars and training sessions planned here, which allowed us to build up a decent picture of this huge centre. We have to highlight the beautiful final training session held on a synthetic pitch in the Ocnele Mari underground mine, encompassed on all sides by salt walls. In fact, this site is a good alternative for the youngsters when it’s too cold to play outside in winter.

We reached Slatina at the end of the week, tired but inspired by the work done so far. It was time to get down to business with Luca De Vecchi from Comunita Nuova and the two coaches Madaline263011-500 and Mircea. They had put on a two-day tournament to cap off the season, offering the kids a chance to play against other teams from neighbouring regions.

The flags of Inter Campus, Pirelli and Comunita Nuova were the backdrop to three pitches full of children playing matches with contagious enthusiasm. The interaction between children from Romanian and Romany backgrounds underlined the importance of this project in a place like Slatina.

We came across many kids this week in a wide variety of environments but the things that united them all were their smiles, their pride at donning the Nerazzurri shirt and their love for this sport.



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