First Edition of the Caregivers’ Tournament

9 June 2022

First Edition of the Caregivers’ Tournament

The French Professional Football League (LFP), the French Hospital Federation (FHF) and Montpellier Hérault SC (MHSC) have joined forces to organise the first edition of the Caregivers’ Tournament (Tournoi des Soignants), with the support of the Mutuelle Nationale des Hospitaliers and Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole.

Last September, the LFP, in partnership with the FHF, organised a “Supporters of Caregivers” day, paying tribute to all public hospital workers who have mobilised since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. As part of the 6th day of Ligue 1 Uber Eats and the 8th day of Ligue 2 BKT, each goal scored added €500 to a kitty aimed at financing a project in favour of carers. With a total of 50 goals scored over the weekend, the operation raised €25,000.

This endowment will help finance part of the organisation of this unique tournament bringing together hospital teams from all over France, including the Oversea Territories.

Organised at national level in collaboration with the LFP and the FHF, Montpellier Hérault SC has decided to host the participants for this first edition at its Bernard-Gasset Mutuelles du Soleil de Grammont training center on Tuesday 7 June 2022, from 9am to 4pm.

The FHF has been able to count on the support of the Mutuelle Nationale des Hospitaliers (MNH) in providing accommodation for the hospital teams and on the Montpellier Méditerranée Metropolis to facilitate travel. The Espoir Orange and Rêve Bleu endowment fund of the MHSC will provide catering for the participants and, through the Montpellier University Hospital, the Red Cross will provide first aid if necessary.

16 teams formed within the Groupements Hospitaliers de Territoire (GHT) from all over France represented the Ligue 1 Uber Eats and Ligue 2 BKT clubs in their territories. The tournament included mixed teams, both in terms of gender, age and functions held, bringing together nearly 200 people.

The objective of this tournament was to celebrate a moment of conviviality around a common passion, football, all around values such as fair play and solidarity.

List of participating hospitals and the club they represented:

  • Hôpitaux Paris Est Val de Marne (Paris Saint-Germain)
  • GHT Haute Bretagne (Stade Rennais FC)
  • GHT Cévennes Gard Camargue (Nîmes Olympique)
  • GHT Guadeloupe (Paris FC)
  • Rouergue GHT (Rodez Aveyron Football)
  • Maine-et-Loire GHT (Angers SCO)
  • Southern Alps GHT (AS Monaco)
  • Basse Alsace sud Moselle GHT (RC Strasbourg Alsace)
  • Loire GHT (AS Saint-Étienne)
  • GHT Lille Métropole Flandre Intérieure (LOSC Lille)
  • GHT Haute-Garonne and Tarn Ouest (Toulouse FC)
  • GHT Moselle Est (FC Metz)
  • Hôpitaux de Provence (Olympique de Marseille)
  • Haute-Savoie Pays de Gex (Olympique Lyonnais)
  • Alpes-Maritimes GHT (OGC Nice)
  • GHT Est-Hérault and Sud-Aveyron (Montpellier Hérault SC)

The LFP would like to thank Montpellier Hérault SC for the loan of its facilities, as well as all the Ligue 1 Uber Eats and Ligue 2 BKT clubs who offered their equipment to the teams.


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