Find inspiration for Safer Sport Day 2020

5 August 2020

Find inspiration for Safer Sport Day 2020

Sports organisations will come together on August 8 to celebrate Safer Sport Day whose theme this year is ‘Take the Pledge’. The aim is to encourage organisations working with children to ensure safeguards are in place within their programmes.

The projects that EFDN and its members and partners implement see them interact with children regularly. As such, they belong to this alliance enforcing the protection of minors and young people whose only desire is to enjoy sport and reap both short and long term related benefits.

Despite the well-recognised benefits of sport, there are also negative influences on athlete health, well-being and integrity caused by non-accidental violence through harassment and abuse. All athletes have a right to engage in ‘safe sport’, defined as an athletic environment that is respectful, equitable and free from all forms of non-accidental violence to athletes. Yet, these issues represent a blind spot for many sport organisations through fear of reputational damage, ignorance, silence or collusion (IOC Consensus Statement on Harassment and Abuse in Sport).

Numerous scandals in recent times have brought to light the previously unknown or rarely spoken of negative consequences of engaging in sport that some have fallen victim to. Child athletes of all genders, teens and young adults have been subjected to severe harm. Ranging from emotional and physical abuse, humiliation, loss of confidence and self-esteem, inappropriate touching and sexual abuse, loss of access to resources; sponsorship; and participation opportunities.

In response to these scandals and to address this trend that was posing a risk to young athletes and sport, organisations realised the need for the formulation and implementation of the International Safeguards for Children in Sport. The response is also replicating across international, national and local federations as an understanding of the necessity of such policies becomes vivid.

EFDN, through its shared platform, enables European member clubs to efficiently and effectively exchange information, methodologies, community and social responsibility programmes and activities targeting young people in their communities. Several EFDN members are currently implementing safeguarding prolicies to raise awareness, inform and educate their fans and project participants.

Best practices

There are numerous best practices and resources available on our Online Learning Platform. Chelsea FC Foundation presented on their safeguarding structure at the 2019 EFDN Conference that works to support all children, young people and adults at risk to enable them participate in football in a safe environment. It is one of dozens of safeguarding resources available on the EFDN Learning Platform. Similarly, also available is FC Barcelona Foundation’s presentation on how its programmes, partnerships and campaigns illustrate the importance of using sport as a tool to build a better, more equal and inclusive world. Another resource of interest is the Premier League’s Safeguard our children – Safeguard their future!

This August 8, let us join hands and continue this noble and imperative cause to protect our children allowing them to engage in sport without harm or risk, have fun, make new and life-long friends.


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