Feyenoord launches new sport programme at schools
Feyenoord launched School Sport Plus, a programme at schools in the south of Rotterdam that focuses on exercise and healthy living.
Feyenoord aims to increase its activities at schools and make them more sustainable with the School Sport Plus programme. On 20 September, the kick-off took place at the first primary school where Feyenoord will run a comprehensive exercise programme.
Feyenoord increases the amount of physical education lessons at the partner schools and helps to transform them into ‘sports schools’ where sport, exercise and a healthy lifestyle are fundamental.
Feyenoord aims to provide every student at participating schools with at least five hours of sport and exercise every week. In the near future, Feyenoord wants to reach as many schools in the south as possible and to encourage at least 1,400 students to exercise on a weekly basis.
European Week of Sport 2019
EFDN and its members support the European Week of Sport 2019. For five years, the European Week of Sport has helped tackle the inactivity crisis by encouraging Europeans to embrace a healthy and active lifestyle. Together with several member clubs, EFDN delivers currently two Pan-European programmes that aim to increase physical activity of children and adults.