Examining Gender-Based Violence at Football Matches: SAFER Survey

19 October 2023

Examining Gender-Based Violence at Football Matches: SAFER Survey

Football Supporters Europe (FSE) is appealing to football fans across Europe to respond to a new online survey that seeks to understand more about the topic of gender-based violence in football and the extent to which fans have experienced or witnessed this type of violence.

The work is being conducted as part of SAFER, an Erasmus+ project that has brought together supporters and a cross-section of experts and football stakeholders to tackle gender-based violence and discrimination in the game. The results of the survey will help to establish prevention and remedy mechanisms for football fans and other match attendees across Europe and during EURO2024, which is crucial to ensuring everyone feels welcome when attending football matches.

Data from the survey will remain anonymous at all times and the results will be used for research purposes only. The questions take about 15 minutes to complete, and participants can skip questions and/or leave the survey at any time. The information gathered will be the first data of its kind sought directly from fans, with the purpose of improving experiences for all supporters in future.

As the topic is a sensitive one, the survey has been created with five main sections. The first two seek to establish some demographic information and general views on supporters in different football environments. The third section asks about beliefs around society and gender relations, while the fourth section includes specific questions about various acts of gender-based violence that may have been experienced or witnessed. Finally, the survey asks participants to share any good practice they are aware of and possible actions they believe might help in the prevention of such violence.

The survey is available in seven languages: English, German, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese, Italian and Polish, and the links are available to share below.

English: https://protestlab.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cZs5v5RYhpeEUzI

German: https://protestlab.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ePBGdlo59HFl5c2

Dutch: https://protestlab.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_71gYuSxeAZEZ410

Danish: https://protestlab.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8qyDZmb1HJSD1mC

Portuguese: https://protestlab.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aV5E39QR3hGVsAC

Italian: https://protestlab.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_emxzvh8urcM22t8

Polish: https://protestlab.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6AkH5HbdCUsq4pU

For more information about SAFER, visit: www.safer-project.eu. As part of the project, we will be seeking to interview experts working in the field of gender-based violence and people affected by gender-based violence. If you would like to contribute to the work, you can reach out to FSE in confidence with your contact email and a member of the FSE team will come back to you individually for further details. Get in touch via: info@fanseurope.org.


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