Everton employee raises £1,500 for COVID-19 by selling children book

29 April 2020

Everton employee raises £1,500 for COVID-19 by selling children book

During this difficult time, an Everton employee has decided to publish the children’s book he wrote for his newborn child and to devolve the money raised to the fight against COVID-19.

After the birth of his son Billy in 2018, Mike Taylor, who works in Everton’s media and communications team, wrote Billy The Spaceman and shared the book only with the family and close friends.

Now that many are forced at home during this uncertain time, Mike thought that his book could be of some comfort for other children and decided to take orders on Facebook for those who want to purchase it. Not only this book has made someone smile but has also raised money to fight COVID-19.

Mike decided in fact to devolved all the money raised to Everton’s Blue Family campaign, which has been fundamental in supporting isolated and vulnerable people across the Merseyside area. The initiative has already raised £1,500 and now that it is officially supported by Everton FC it will hopefully increase its sales.

“As an Evertonian, first and foremost, and also as an employee of the Football Club, the reaction to the crisis – particularly through the Blue Family campaign – has made me extremely proud. It sparked the idea of maybe producing some more copies of the book and donating all the proceeds to EitC.” said Mike. “I looked into the logistics and set up the Facebook page, honestly expecting a small handful of friends and family to get in touch.”

“It’s been live for just over a week now and the reaction has been incredible. There have been around 150 orders so far and it’s still increasing. The feedback has been overwhelming and I’m just glad it’s going to be helping a great cause.”


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