Ella, Zahra and Tom Tell Empowering Stories of Premier League Inspires

31 July 2023

Ella, Zahra and Tom Tell Empowering Stories of Premier League Inspires

The Premier League Inspires Challenge, supported by the Professional Footballers’ Association, empowers 11 to 25-year-olds to reach their potential through social-action projects.

Launched in 2019, the programme uses the power of football to inspire young people aged 11-25 at risk of not reaching their potential, to develop the personal skills and positive attitudes needed to succeed in life.  

Premier League Inspires empowers participants to develop personal, social, employability and life-skills, through a series of regular face-to-face group sessions, mentoring, workshops and social-action projects, providing pupils with the help they need now and supporting them to plan for their future. 

Let’s hear from Ella, Zahra and Tom.

Ella, a 15-year-old student and Manchester United fan, experienced a life-changing transformation with the help of the programme. Formerly an anxious and withdrawn individual, Ella now confidently shares her journey of personal growth and development.

“Since primary school, I’ve been a very anxious person. Working with Premier League Inspires has given me so many opportunities to come out of my shell and fight a lot of the anxiety that I’d usually face. It’s been an incredible change.”

The PL Inspires programme targets young people at risk of not fulfilling their potential. Ella, selected by Dixon Brooklands Academy, struggled with mental health, low confidence, and low self-esteem. With the support of MU Foundation, she gained social, employability, and life skills, making her anxiety more manageable and building a foundation for the future.

“My anxiety is a lot more manageable. The programme helps you feel comfortable. It’s not something we’re made to do, it’s something that everyone just enjoys.”

Ella and her team participated in the PL Inspires Challenge focused on environmental sustainability. They worked on a project to educate children about climate change through short stories, fostering a passion for making positive changes.

“Making small changes to live more sustainably… it’s something you don’t really think about until you are in a group making a plan and trying to work out how we can be better.”

Ella values the support of the Foundation coaches and believes PL Inspires creates a sense of community and pride, enabling individuals to discover their talents and strengths without changing who they are.

“For me, PL Inspires is about being proud of who you are while also knowing that you have a community around you. There’s something for everyone… It’s about realizing the talent and strengths that you have.”

Zahra, a student at Bolton Muslim Girls’ School, was once a disruptive influence in class with little interest in education. However, she was identified as someone who could benefit from the targeted work of Premier League Inspires, in collaboration with Bolton Wanderers in the Community (BWitC). Under the guidance of BWitC, Zahra’s attitude towards learning transformed significantly.

“I was a troublemaker… I didn’t really care about education, I’d misbehave and have problems with my focus.”

Through the Premier League Inspires project, Zahra worked on personal development, including confidence, teamwork, and resilience. She excelled as a group leader when developing ideas for the annual Premier League Inspires Challenge, focusing on the environment and sustainability. Her team’s social action project involved creating an eco-friendly garden in the school yard, providing a safe space for young people to relax.

“They made me feel like I had a sense of belonging… I felt more confident.”

Zahra’s project and those from other teams were celebrated at a special event, where she learned about environmental issues and developed a deep sense of pride in helping the local community.

“Now when I see a problem, I automatically want to change it… Being part of a project to help the local community makes me feel so proud.”

Her involvement in the project sparked a newfound motivation for education and career aspirations. Zahra’s grades significantly improved, and she now aspires to pursue a job that prioritizes environmental care.

“Before I wanted to get a job just for money but now, I want a job that’s more caring about the environment… My grades have improved massively. I am a new person compared to the one I was in September. It’s been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Premier League Inspires has been life-changing for Tom, who once struggled with school life and had a difficult relationship with education. However, after being identified as a beneficiary of the programme, run by Manchester City’s charity City in the Community (CITC), his outlook on school became positive. Excelling in his BTEC Extended Diploma in Sport and Football, Tom earned a CITC scholarship for a three-year degree course, commencing in September.

“I wasn’t really a fan of school… a few times I was on the verge of being kicked out… When City first came in, I wasn’t interested at all… but the coaches were happy and were wanting to speak to us. I thought, ‘If they have made an effort with me, I’ll make an effort with them.'”

The programme covered various topics, from diversity to managing finances, and provided opportunities to engage with others through events. The impact was significant, helping Tom in his everyday life.

“The work that was done with Premier League Inspires and Manchester City was such a beneficial part of my life, I didn’t realize how much so at the time… Without PL Inspires, I wouldn’t have done my BTEC or the degree. It’s made me what I am today, and the future is a lot more positive now.”

Tom’s experience with Premier League Inspires has been so transformative that he is now a part-time community outreach coach with CITC, working on Premier League Kicks. He is determined to pass on the opportunities he received to others, just as his coach did for him.

“It’s one of the best things that someone can do.”


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