EFDN supports ISCA mentoring programme

24 July 2020

EFDN supports ISCA mentoring programme

The European Football for Development Network (EFDN) is lending mentorship support to the Integration of Refugees Through Sport (IRTS) networking platform that begins in September 2020.

The 12-month mentoring programme, with an expert from the integration of refugees through sport field, offers a chance to develop oneself professionally and personally, get access to an international network and grow as a leader to have a bigger impact in the social inclusion through sport field.

The IRTS Mentoring programme will connect people who have specific skills and knowledge (mentors) with individuals (mentees) who need/want the same skills to increase their capacity working in the field of integration of refugees through sport.

During the 12-month mentoring programme (September 2020-November 2021), the mentorship pairs will be engaged through an online platform throughout the period and two offline events to meet face-to-face (travel and accommodation costs covered). The mentoring pairs will have access to IRTS Online Courses, online focus groups and helpful resources throughout the programme – both relating to the IRTS field and tips/advice related to mentoring.

The aim is to bring less and more experienced organisations and leaders working in the IRTS field together in mentoring relationships to build the capacity of the organisations and individuals involved through an accelerated transfer of knowledge.


  • To build the capacity for the organisations and individuals involved through accelerated exchange of knowledge.
  • To allow direct collaboration between various integration of refugees through sport related projects and initiatives.
  • To grow the international network and community.

The programme includes access to online courses, monthly individual meetings and two offline events with travel and accommodation costs covered. The project is coordinated by the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) in partnership with 70+ organisations and stakeholders.

It will be carried out in two rounds of 12 pairs:

  • September 2020 – October 2021
  • October 2021 – November 2022

For the first round, we are looking for 12 motivated mentees to be matched with respective experts from the field.

During the 12-month mentoring, the mentorship pairs will be engaged through an online platform and they have two chances to meet face-to-face (travel and accommodation costs covered). The mentoring pairs will be offered relevant resources throughout the programme – both relating to the IRTS field and tips/advice related to mentoring.

Application deadline: 31.07.2020 

You can find more information here. 


The world is experiencing the highest levels of forced displacement on record with more than 70 million today having had to flee their home. Large numbers of refugees and asylum seekers face exclusion, lack of livelihood opportunities, and grave risks to their mental and physical health.

Globally, 3 out of 4 refugees have lived in exile for more than 5 years, many for more than 20 years. This situation calls for human and innovative ways to enhance the inclusion and integration of refugees. Civil society has an important role to play in addressing this. Sport and physical activity can be a powerful tool for inclusion, relief, health promotion, and human connection. It is the time to take the next steps to scale tested solutions from the sport and physical activity sector to the benefit of refugees and society!

Thousands of stakeholders and partners located across Europe have been dedicated to creating and delivering solutions to an international challenge. They have tested and innovated the facilitation of the integration of refugees through grassroots sport. With so many organisations working, pulling and advocating in the same direction, surely we have the strength in numbers to make a difference – don’t we?

Thanks to support from the European Union, the International Sport and Culture Association is uniting solutions in the field of IRTS through a new network. The IRTS Networking Platform (irts.isca.org) aims to realise our strength in numbers by offering in-person and online opportunities to meet, learn, gain recognition for our initiatives, and connect with high profile humanitarian organisations.

IRTS Networking Platform brings together four elements that will take efforts towards the integration of refugees through sport to the next level:

  • Mentoring programme: Connecting people who have experience in running IRTS initiatives with those who are just starting out, or are looking for some advice to make a bigger impact.
  • Award scheme: Recognising initiatives and partnerships that have made an impact in their communities.
  • Online courses: 3 new online courses will equip solution-providers with tested approaches, expert and peer-to-peer tips from the field, and avenues to support and funding.
  • Events: In October 2021, we want to deliver the biggest stakeholder congress so far for Integration of Refugees Though Sport in the context of the MOVE Congress: www.movecongress.com. This will be preceded by a pre-event in 2020 and followed by a promotional event in 2022.



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