EFDN Highlights: March 2020

27 December 2020

EFDN Highlights: March 2020

As 2020 comes to an end, EFDN invites you to look back on this year’s top activities, projects and news stories. Take a look at some highlights from March.

Supporter of Each Other

In March, the world was rocked by the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our workspaces, classrooms, daily habits and personal connections were called into question and it was on all of us to rethink the way we led our lives. Sport (football) was not absolved from these responsibilities either, and given football’s immense social power EFDN launched the Supporter of Each Other campaign to inspire people, clubs, leagues, FAs and all other interested organisations to step up and support each other during such unprecedented times. The communications and media campaign offered a platform to share tips and initiatives on how to stay physically and socially active from home. We featured the most touching and inspiring stories on www.supporterofeachother.org.

Scoring for Health Conference Call

In the spirit of remote work and virtual meetings that became the “new normal” after the outbreak, project partners met over a video conference call to kick-off the Scoring for Health programme. Randers FC, FC Emmen, Club Brugge Foundation, Feyenoord Rotterdam, Greenock Morton Community Trust, Montrose FC, Ferencvárosi TC, the Portuguese FA and SV Werder Bremen met to set objectives for their programmes.

World Book Day

March 5th is World Book Day. We at EFDN believe that by using the power of football, we can inspire and empower children to do and be better. This year, we celebrated World Book Day by highlighting some of the projects and activities our members work on to encourage reading and education.

International Women’s Day

The 8th of March is a day during which we celebrate the social, political, economic and cultural achievements of women all around the world. We caught up with our member clubs to see how they showcased their female coaches, players, staff, fans and project participants. Read here for more.


Member News

Apollon Limassol FC released a promotional video to celebrate the World Day Against Bullying on March 6th.

FC Inter made a €100,000 donation to the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences of the L. Sacco Hospital of Milan to support COVID-19 research.

New Members

In March, EFDN welcomed new members SCU Torreense and the Football Association of Iceland.


Scoring for Health (EU)

Scoring for Health (EU) aims to tackle the problem of childhood obesity which, as identified by the World ...

Scoring for Health

The Scoring for Health programme encourages children from the ages of 7 to 13, and their parents, to adopt a ...