EFDN contributed to ‘United by emotion against discrimination’ webinar

27 July 2020

EFDN contributed to ‘United by emotion against discrimination’ webinar

Organization Earth and Hope Sports invited EFDN to present during the webinar ‘United by emotion against discrimination’. EFDN’s Marketing and Communications Manager Marius Stegemann explained how the EFDN uses football as a tool to promote diversity and respect and presented the Pan-European programme ‘Show Racism the Red Card’.  

July 24th was supposed to signal the commencement of the Olympic Games. Since the International Olympic Committee had to postpone the Olympic Games for the first time since WWII, it is more important than ever before to spread widely the message and the spirit of Olympism and sports in the fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination.

In Ancient Greece, the beginning of the Olympic Games was followed by a Truce, called today “Olympic Truce”, during which there could be no war nor conflict. The reasoning behind this universal laying down of the arms was meant to celebrate humankind as one and equality and peace as human rights. The modern Olympic Games still uphold the right of everyone’s participation in sports regardless of religion, race or other forms of discrimination. The postponement of the Olympic Games coincides with growing violence all around the world based on discrimination criteria. For that reason, the message of Olympism should be spread widely from a number of initiatives.

Additionally, the current COVID-19 situation and its consequences have kept most of the athletes, sportspersons and organizations apart for a while. However, Hope Sports considered the occasion of July 24th as a great opportunity to transform “social distancing” to a virtual “social gathering” for promoting tolerance, acceptance and support diversities.

The panel consisted of representatives from:
-International Olympic Truce Centre
– Barça Foundation
– European Football for Development Network
– FARE network
– SARI Sport Against Racism Ireland
– Hope Sports

You can re-watch the whole webinar here: 



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