Great Easter Holidays, organised by Werder Bremen, have ended for 10 families

25 April 2017

Great Easter Holidays, organised by Werder Bremen, have ended for 10 families

What a great experience. Many thanks to all who have made this possible,” a participant summarizes the last days. Ten families, who would otherwise have had no opportunity, spent the Easter holidays together on Norderney. This was made possible by WERDERBEWEGT – LEBENSLANG, the provider of “Traum-Ferienwohnungen” and the radio ENERGY Bremen with the “Ferien mit Herz” campaign.

The first surprise occured, for the participants, before the departure. Werder President, Managing Director Dr. Hubertus Hess-Grunewald and player Serge Gnabry have not let themselves be taken away and the families personally passed on their ride in the Werder team bus. So the adventure “holiday with heart” could be nothing more in the way.


On the island, very special days were expected for the participants. For the families with young children, there was a joint afternoon in the game park Kap Hoorn and a walk through the Wattenmeer. For the parents, there was the possibility to exchange ideas when cooking and dining together. In addition, bicycle tours, walks along the beach and playful afternoons were a welcome diversion from everyday life.

The bright smile of the children and the recovered faces of the parents are always a sign that our action is of particular importance,” said Tim Juraschek, Head Manager of WERDERBEWEGT – LEBENSLANG. This was especially emotional few hours before going back home. “Then, a few tears of gratitude flow here and there,” added Sebastian Mastalka of Traum-Ferienwohnungen.

Werder Bremen would like to thank the sponsors: Molkerei Ammerland, Mondelez International, Landmann​, Staatsbad Norderney GmbH, Omnibusverkehr Fischer, AOK Bremen/Bremerhaven,, Ruth und Helmut Middeldorf Stiftung, Klaudia & Arno Trost, meerconcepte UG, Vermietservice Anke Onkes-Fritsching, Wiesenhof sowie den Gastgebern.

The campaign “Ferien mit Herz” (“Holiday with heart”) is a collective action of WERDERBEWEGT – LEBENSLANG, the CSR brand of the SV Werder Bremen, and the Bremer Ferienhausportal Traum-Ferienwohnungen . At Christmas, families from Bremen and the surrounding areas who could not go on holiday for a long time and would like to have a holiday could apply for it to the Werder Bremen’s foundation. The approximately 500 applications received were examined by a jury and the lucky winners were determined by lot. From the 10th to the 21st of April, ten families traveled and enjoyed holiday in Norderney .


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