Celtic FC Foundation’s Football for Good Fund carries on

22 July 2020

Celtic FC Foundation’s Football for Good Fund carries on

After reaching a considerable amount of £600K, Celtic FC Foundation make once again an appeal to their supporters’ generosity.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Celtic FC Foundation have worked to mitigate the effects of this unprecedented crisis. To do this, they launched the Football for Good Fund back in March, through which they raised and redistributed over £600K.

As part of this initiative, and thanks to the investments dedicated to the project, the Foundation was able to focus on the most vulnerable groups on the Glasgow area, but not only. In fact, the Foundation was, and still is, supporting 55 charities in Lanarkshire, Greenock, Oban, Edinburgh, Fife, Isle of Skye, London, Newcastle, Dublin, Belfast, and have even supported two more charities in New York.

Besides collaborating with other charities, the Foundation has worked with Glasgow North East Foodbank. Together they have delivered food parcels to families in need and hot meals for the patients discharged from the hospital. Additionally, they have distributed activity boxes to more than 1,600 pupils from 12 Glasgow-based schools.

Now that much has already been done, the Celtic FC Foundation are asking once again for the generosity of their supporters. By taking parts in an online auction, in their unique 9-in-a-row nomination fundraiser, in their Green Day (August 2), or simply donating, fans can contribute within their means.

“We are pleased as a club to have been at the forefront in seeking to help those affected by the crisis we have faced since March of this year. Throughout this period we have assisted so many people in need – the most vulnerable in our society and those on the frontline who are so deserving of our support,” said Celtic Chief Executive Peter Lawwell.

“By investing £600,000 in a range of initiatives we have made a real difference and now we want to continue this work. While we all hope to return to normality as soon as possible, Celtic will be there to help all within our local communities for as long as people need our help and we thank our fans in advance for their support of this Appeal.”

“There are many people who will want to help us right now who could actually be doing with help themselves. That’s typical of our supporters.  There’s so much uncertainty in our communities and we fully appreciate that people who are ordinarily very generous when it comes to Celtic FC Foundation initiatives just won’t be able to assist this time.” Tony Hamilton, Chief Executive of Celtic FC Foundation, added.

“It’s important we reach as many people as possible and the way we’re doing that is through partners who we know and trust, and who share our values. If you can help in any way, however small, we would welcome your donation.”


To know more about Celtic FC Foundation’s work, read the EFDN Interview with Thomas Buchanan, Business Development Executive of the organisation. 


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