Celebration of Sport

14 July 2016

Celebration of Sport

2016-06-13-PHOTO-00000213-300x169The first Fradi Multisport Day was organised Sunday where the participants could try out different sport arts and meet star athletes.

The Fradi Multisport Day was organised for the first time this Sunday at Népliget. The event enjoyed great interest. The participants could try out which sport art matches their skills and attitude best and had the opportunity to get into contact with the athletes and coaches of the numerous sport sections of Ferencváros. The Alma band was responsible on the stage to entertain the visitors with a concert and as the peak of the event the champion and cup winner football players and coaches mingled with the Fradi family.

Representing the great atmosphere of today’s event FradiMedia recorded the following short clip and in the next Fradi TV show an extended version of it will be aired.
Ferencvárosi Torna Club is a founding member of the European Multisport Club Association and the first Fradi Multisport Day was carried out within the framework of the Sport and Support programme and with the subvention of the Erasmus+ Sport programme of the European Union.


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