BSC Young Boys start sale in support of the ARCHE fund

22 December 2020

BSC Young Boys start sale in support of the ARCHE fund

Due to the Corona restrictions, this year the traditional collection campaign in favor of the children’s cancer charity ARCHE Fund could not be carried out as usual with the help of the YB players. However, in this special year 2020, BSC Young Boys would like to join forces with YB fans to support its long-standing charity partner ARCHE Fund and enable children with cancer and their families to spend a week together on a medically supervised vacation at Schwarzsee. For this purpose, both yellow and black YB socks in all sizes and a YB audio book are available for purchase in the online store and in the YB fan store.

The audiobook about the Ninja Rabbits, who set out to find the missing YB fans, was produced in collaboration with Lars Zjörjen and the publishing house “Einfach Lesen Bern”, especially for this fundraising campaign. BSC (former) players Michel Aebischer and Marco Wölfli have each lent their voice to one of the characters. The audiobook is available both on USB sticks and as a download.

The proceeds from the sale of these socks and the audio books will go entirely to the ARCHE Children’s Cancer Fund. Every summer, the ARCHE Fund organizes a week of vacation for children with cancer and their families. This week is often the only phase in which the families can recover carefree from everyday hospital life, as medical care is guaranteed at all times. In 2019, the two YB players Christian Fassnacht and Marco Wölfli were allowed to visit the ARCHE vacations. They describe their impressions in the video report.

With the purchase, money is raised for a good cause, which BSC YB has already supported for several years. #YBFOREVERYONE


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