Ben Szreter (The Behavioural Insights Team) confirmed speaker at 14th Conference

26 February 2020

Ben Szreter (The Behavioural Insights Team) confirmed speaker at 14th Conference

Associate Policy Advisor from The Behavioural Insights Team, Ben Szreter, will be presenting about ‘Behavioural Insights and Sport for Development’ at the 14th EFDN #Morethanfootball conference in Breda.

Ben is an Associate Advisor working across BIT’s home affairs and international programmes. At BIT Ben works on projects across policing, international development, social cohesion and sport for development. Before joining BIT, Ben has worked as a parliamentary researcher and as Chief Executive of Cambridge United Community Trust. Prior to that, he worked briefly in Myanmar for the British Chamber of Commerce. He completed an MSc with distinction in Economic and Social History and a first-class BA in History from Oxford University. He was also part of a team who jointly won the inaugural IPPR Economics Prize in 2019.

The Behavioural Insights Team has been a global leader in the application of behavioural science to policy across a wide range of fields. In Ben’s presentation, he will present and discuss ways in which behavioural insights – mainly work from psychology and behavioural economics (often known as ‘nudge theory’) – can be applied to sport for development. In addition, he will give practical examples and frameworks that can be incorporated into sport for development projects to enhance their ability to affect human behaviour to achieve social good.

Register for the 14th EFDN Conference here!


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