ATHENA: Second Transnational Project Meeting in Breda

27 July 2023

ATHENA: Second Transnational Project Meeting in Breda

On Wednesday, July 26th, the second transnational project meeting (TPM) of the ATHENA project was held by the five project partners namely, EMF (European Mini Football Federation), BFU (Bulgarian Football Union), MSV (Margherita Sport e Vita), UK BA (University of Bratislava), and EFDN, at the NAC Breda football stadium in their special CSR meeting room.

The primary goals of the Erasmus+-funded ATHENA project are to improve the representation of women in sport governance and administration as well as to promote walking sports as an important form of exercise for senior citizens.

Before presenting the meeting’s packed agenda, each partner introduced themselves to kick things off. The meeting’s main discussion topic was the communication and dissemination plan, particularly how to leverage social media and a website to promote the project.

Following productive conversations, the partners moved on to the next item on the agenda: training manuals for coaches and referees for walking basketball and walking football. The major objectives of this project are to find as many coaches and referees for Walking Sports before the following year and to develop a set of uniform European rules for both sports. Given that walking sports are still in their infancy in many European nations, these two manuals will help to expand their reach and further promote walking sports.

Following a well-earned lunch break, each partner presented how they developed walking sports in their respective countries and how they intend to encourage more women and people in general to participate.

The following TPM will be held in July 2024 in Bratislava. The partners will further discuss setting up Walking Basketball sessions tomorrow as they will be participating in one themselves.

Learn more about ATHENA here.


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