A day in the Through the Field Project

1 November 2016

A day in the Through the Field Project

Coach: Ran Hendel, 26 and this is my second year at Mifalot.

“Through The Field”: my Team consists of children from a center for new immigrants from Ethiopia.

my team-1 (Large)

A Short Success Story:

There are a lot of individual stories about different team members, but I think that the greatest one of all is the success of our team in general.

The team has become very united, and the weekly practice is now the center of their week.

The best example of how important our weekly practices are concerns one team member who wasn’t socially accepted at the beginning of the year, and was being bullied by the other team members.

But at the end of the year the same team member was surrounded by friends, was full of self-esteem and a strong of part of the team.


An example of a role that the team came up with:

If a teammate gets injured or falls, play is stopped and everyone comes over to make sure that he is ok.

My vision:

I have had the privilege of seeing firsthand how amazing and yet so simple a tool Football can be.

I believe that with Football I am able to: teach, educate, push my limits, grow, fail and succeed and help in so many other challenges that kids have every day. Football creates a fun platform to deal with all the day-to-day struggles.


Through the field

“The Mifalot coach saved our children. The only thing that kept our kids off the streets and in ...