12th EFDN Conference Official Video

2 April 2019

12th EFDN Conference Official Video

Now that the dust has settled from the 12th EFDN ‘#Morethanfootball’ Conference in London last week, we have time to reflect on what was a great two days and we would like to thank all who attended and contributed. The brilliant energy and enthusiasm was maintained for the full two days and everyone who attended contributed to the event, from the speakers through to the networking tables through to the various discussions which took part in the networking breaks, with a special mention to those who took part in the #Passiton Challenge. We would also like to take the opportunity to Chelsea FC and the Chelsea FC Foundation for being our hosts and for their really interesting practical sessions.

With 1 week left of the #Morethanfootball Action Weeks, we hope that the conference has provided some added inspiration for activities before the end of the Action Weeks on the 9th of April.  See the #Morethanfootball website for more information on the campaign.

All the presentations from the event will be made available in the next few days as will a Summary Report from the Conference.  In the meantime we have prepared the official video from the event, see below:


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