DFB – Deutscher Fußball-Bund

Club Info

DFB-Campus / Deutscher Fußball-Bund e.V.

Kennedyallee 274

60528 Frankfurt/Main Germany

DFB Campus - Photo by Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images


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DFB – Deutscher Fußball-Bund

The German Football Association (DFB) is the association of the 21 regional associations and the league association in which football is practiced within the country. The most important task of the DFB is the organisation of football in championship games and competitions. The DFB represents the interests of its member associations at home and abroad. The German Football Association (DFB) has more than 7.4 million members, making it one of the biggest social networks in Germany. The DFB is affiliated with 24,154 clubs (2023).

The DFB fulfils its socio-political and sports policy responsibilities at international level through various activities. The international work of the DFB is divided into two areas: on the one hand, the International Relations and Strategic Projects Unit strives to create knowledge and added value for German football and its partners through cooperation with other football associations worldwide and through strategic partnerships. On the other hand, the DFB has been carrying out international, football-related CSR projects for more than half a century. Amongst others the DFB supports the German government in its sport-related activities in developing countries and emerging markets.

DFB – Football United Against Racism (Fußball Verein(t) Gegen Rassismus):

As part of the “Football United Against Racism” project funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI), the DFB is intensifying its activities in the area of social sustainability together with its regional associations and 3rd division clubs.

At four selected locations, the pilot regional associations are expanding the anti-discrimination networks at regional and local level together with a third-division club based in their association’s territory, supported by the DFB’s Social Responsibility and Fan Affairs department. Together with this strong network, they bundle and promote prevention and education efforts in and through football. They further establish complaints management via the regional association contact points for incidents of violence and discrimination in their associations and increase awareness of the contact points in amateur football.

The four pilot locations are:

  • Football Association Mittelrhein and Viktoria Köln
  • Saarland Football Association and 1. FC Saarbrücken
  • Niedersachsen Football Association and Eintracht Braunschweig
  • Sachsen Football Association and FSV Zwickau

Another focus of the project is to develop and implement general standards for a non-violent and non-discriminatory football experience in stadiums and at sports grounds. These include, for example, a rapid response mechanism in the stadium, reporting channels for racism and discrimination incidents and aftercare services for those affected. In the amateur sector, the contact points for incidents of violence and discrimination are to be made better known and the contact persons further qualified so that all reported incidents are processed to a high standard and those affected receive the necessary support.

The establishment of a competent network against racism and discrimination ensures a constant exchange of experience and knowledge between stakeholders from sport and civil society and can bring about positive changes in civil society. The knowledge gained from the project can be extended to other locations and events.

DFB – NKI: Climate protection in amateur football:

The project “NKI: Climate protection in amateur football – together on the way to a climate-friendly UEFA EURO 2024” is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) with the National Climate Initiative (NKI) over a period of four years.

The appeal of amateur soccer, together with the EURO 2024 as a unique event in Germany, represents a great opportunity to promote climate protection on a broad scale.

Project components so far:

– comprehensive information materials & funding finder (klimaschutz.dfb.de)

– a tool for calculating the carbon footprint of amateur clubs (DFB-Klimabilanztool)

– Training courses to support regional and state associations and amateur clubs

– Awarding of best practice examples & promotion of innovative ideas

DFB – Carbon Footprint Tool:

A free DFB carbon footprint tool for amateur clubs is available at klimaschutz.dfb.de. The clubs can use this tool to calculate their personal carbon footprint for each season, identify potential reductions and then take appropriate climate protection measures.

The tool is easy to use. Data is entered in various predefined categories such as “Mobility”, “Energy” or “Events and team trips”. If no precise values are available for parts of the query, it is also possible to work with empirical values that were determined during the test phase with the pilot clubs. This keeps the tool beginner-friendly. After completing the data query, the clubs receive a graphical and numerical evaluation that shows where they are already well positioned and where there is still potential for reduction.


DFB – Football United Against Racism

The German Football Association (DFB) is the association of the 21 national associations, 5 regional associations and the league association ...

DFB – Climate protection in amateur football and Carbon Footprint Tool

The German Football Association (DFB) is the association of the 21 national associations, 5 regional associations and the league association ...