What We Do

Online Learning Platform

Our Online Learning platform’s main objective is to support the professional development of our members.  We believe in clubs and football organisations working together to develop best practice, sharing knowledge and create innovative solutions to the social issues being faced within our local communities and the Online Learning platform is one of the main resources enabling us to do this.  It’s a secure environment for members to share content from youth intervention session plans through to governance policies.

EFDN’s online learning platform offers specialised content tailored specifically to the needs and challenges of professional CSR in football organisations. This platform includes videos, webinars and documents in multiple languages. Documents like practitioner guides, manuals, handbooks and impact reports.

The platform constantly updates its content to keep up with the latest trends, and best practices in the ESG and FSR industry.

Members have the opportunity to complement and supplement the platform by adding content they would like to share with the global football community.  This is a unique platform, the first of its kind in European Football, powered by EFDN.
